The experts at EBS possess extensive experience in identifying, evaluating, and managing all activities related to underground storage tanks (UST's).

We assess the risk posed by existing UST's based on the age and location of the system, type of fuel that is stored, leakage risk, potential environmental impact, and regulatory requirements.  If a UST system is no longer in service we will normally recommend removal, which complies with current regulations and avoids unnecessary drilling and data collection.

If evidence confirms an unauthorized release from an UST or related piping/equipment, EBS recommends alternative approaches to remediating the site.  We always balance regulatory requirements with the goals, needs, and financial resources of our clients.

For UST's in current use, our experts evaluate whether an owner or operator is in compliance with the existing reporting and recording requirements for maintaining a valid permit.  Our compliance evaluation will determine whether the existing UST(s) meet current and future construction and containment regulations, as well as testing for leaks, and monitoring equipment.  For those owners and operators who are not in compliance, we will assist in any necessary upgrades, removals, or other remedial actions.