SPCC Plans are required for all facilities that store oil in above-ground tanks, where the total quantity stored exceeds 1,320 gallons and where there is a possibility that a spill could affect navigable waters of the United States.

In addition to federal SPCC requirements, facilities with total fuel storage capacity exceeding 1,100 gallons are also subject to New York State Petroleum Bulk Storage regulations. The SPCC Plan must evaluate compliance with State, as well as federal, requirements.

Scope of Work

Work would include a facility inspection; study of drawings and other materials relating to the fuel supply system; and preparation of the SPCC Plan, in accordance with EPA regulations. We may recommend needed repairs or maintenance, changes in operating procedures or alterations required to bring the facility into compliance.

Scope of services also includes discussion of the recommendations with building management and revision of the report to reflect management input.

Work by Client

We will provide you with a checklist providing basic information about the fuel handling system, and will request drawings, operating manuals and other relevant documents, including key plans (small, simplified drawings) in electronic form for those floors containing elements of the fuel system, such as tanks, piping, generators and fill port.

Although we will certify the plan, implementation remains the responsibility of building management. Accordingly, it is essential that building management review the draft closely and work closely with the EBS to insure that what is proposed is feasible. Management must also sign the plan for it to be effective.

Training for Building Staff

The SPCC Regulations require that building staff be trained in the procedures and also undergo an annual briefing, following initial training. EBS can provide the initial training if desired.